Our charity was founded on the 23rd April 2010 in response to the plight of homeless ex-service personnel.
It is estimated that over 4500 previously serving members of the British Armed Forces are sleeping rough in the UK today. With MoD being due to make cuts, this figure is going to rise.
UK Homes 4 Heroes objectives are:
To dedicate hostel style accommodation to our ex-service personnel and only them. Providing a safe, clean living environment where they can feel secure and at home.
To help gain a permanent home through private and social housing, assisting through the application and bidding phases.
To provide counselling services for people with psychological disorders, i.e. Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The charity is very proud of our outreach project which has been running since 2010 where you will find our dedicated teams feeding, clothing and giving free advice and help to our homeless ex-service personnel in London, Brighton, and Bournemouth.
Over the period that the charity has been formed, the response we have had from the British Public has been overwhelming. We have had interviews on BBC Radio 5 Live, coverage in the Sun Newspaper and countless updates in our local Paper, The Southwark News. (See our Media page.) We also have a News page with the latest events, activities and stories of people we've helped.
The reaction to this Charity has been incredible, but we still need more help, more donations, more awareness and above all more support.
We have a strong team of dedicated professionals heading this operation and we will not give up until we succeed.
We have countless collectors ready to pick up their buckets and cajole the general public for their small change. (Also see what our amazing fundraisers do in our Photo Gallery.)
We have the backing of the London Pearly Kings & Queens, one of the oldest charitable institutes in Britain today.
That is not to mention the small-business men & women, who place our charity posters in their internet business windows and donate to us what they can.
Now all we need is you. Together we can make a difference!